Once upon a time, there was a beginning ...
This site is the creation of a simple taco maker.
I wasn't always a poor taco maker and I haven't always been able to relax and just do whatever I wanted with my time in life, but about ten years ago I began to make changes which have lead me to this moment.
Life is a personal journey. We can do anything but be someone else. We can change and transform what we are, to ourselves, and how the world perceives us, but in the end the dreams we have and things we create are ours alone.
It would be impossible for me to demonstrate how this site is a natural manifestation of my life. I doubt it is really important to you (the crazy person reading my words) and it isn't really to me either, but I know how some of the designs you will see here are not going to make you feel safe and secure.
Life is not safe. A rut is a grave with the ends kicked out. Comfort leads to sleep and sleep to death. We are most alive with our hearts in throats; not the way to live each and every moment, but squaring up for a fight, or turning a corner to face a new unknown, is an exhilarating moment (provided you make it out alive).
SO .. over the years, as I spent thousands of hours making and selling Tiger Tacos, my mind would wander and I'd think of things to make the tasks less tedious. Like when you're washing the dishes and you start thinking about your next Halloween costume, or how you're going to start feeding the bears in your backyard, well, I would think about "tacos".
And as Tiger Tacos became a successful business, with the ability to give more than it takes, my thoughts also wandered around the nature of human existence and really how unjust things are for so many creatures in this world. My goal is to leave this world with no footprints of mine to scar it's face, and I live a very simple and peaceful life because I don't have many fucks to give it, but while I'm here and doing what I do, it seems like the decent thing is to help take the edge off of the harsh realities many are forced to accept as life.
SO .. about a year ago I decided that I would jump-start something new, with a specific purpose in mind, and see if it could do something I can't/won't .. children are the arrows from our bows, and likewise, this site is my hope that something good can ignite something far greater (I am good; and that's enough, for me).
SO .. this is my first 1% Percent Company. Sadly, I know people who have and horde more wealth than is reasonable, and when I challenge them with how this poor taco maker is contributing proportionally more (significantly so) to good causes in this world, I'm told, "yeah, but I give my time" .. the value of their time aside, cash helps (a lot) .. but they had me; I value my time above all else in this life and I don't give it away for free (and rarely even consult these days).
SO .. (last one, I promise) This site is being built with my time and money, for now, but with the singular goal of donating 99% of all profits to "charity" .. I will expand upon this in another post as it is a significant point, but I don't need the money (not a humble brag, as you can/may see, I make a point of living paycheck to paycheck from a "real job") and if there is to be any reward from the selling of my twisted and sick taco thoughts, then it is only fair it goes to something good!